Tag Archives: gitter

Week Three Meeting: §3.3 – §3.4

This week’s Google Hangout (RSVP here) will cover problems/questions from week three of the syllabus:

  • 3.3 Finite colimits in Set
  • 3.4 Other notions in Set

If you’re joining us in progress, please feel free to add in any questions you might have about previous material as well – it’s never too late to join us all.

Those who aren’t able to jump into the hangout (due to hardware issues or the 10 person limit) are encouraged to chat within the hangout IM and follow along with the live stream. If you’re stuck and can’t make it, it will be archived on our YouTube Channel for later consumption.

Gitter Instant Messaging Client

Group participant Steven Shaw has kindly set up an open chat/IM space for us using Gitter through GitHub (apparently one of the benefits of having some hard-core coders in the group).  Gitter is one of the few IM clients out there that allows the use of LaTeX.  You can log in with your GitHub account and feel free to post questions/thoughts there as well. Since it’s always up, feel free to use it during our online meetings or throughout the week.

Thanks Steven!

Coming Up: Week Four §4.1-§4.2

We’ll have finished some of the introductory material and be getting into some new material, so those who were waiting for the serious material to start, get ready. We’ll be covering:

  • 4.1 Monoids
  • 4.2 Groups

Online video

For those who aren’t aware, or haven’t checked recently, we’ve been adding a lot of material in the resources section of the site here.  In particular, I’ll draw your attention to the video section which includes The Catsters’ Category Theory Videos.